우리의 존재

우리는 보이지 않습니다. 숨소리도 들을 수 없습니다. 우리의 존재는 오직 김씨일가 독재를 겨눈 전선에서 드러납니다. 이것이 우리의 방식이고 또 우리만의 긍지입니다. 이 점을 존중해주시길 언론과 지지자들에게 부탁드리며 다음과 같은 입장을 표명합니다.
  1. 거듭 강조하지만 우리는 한국 거주 탈북민 그 어느 누구와도 연계를 갖거나 전화통화를 한적이 없습니다. 언론은 자유조선을 거론하는 탈북민과 우리 조직을 사칭하는 자들을 신뢰해선 안 됩니다.
  2. 우리의 활동에 대해 언론 대부분의 기사들을 보면 사실과 맞지 않는 점이 많습니다. 부디 우리의 목적과 방식을 존중하는 차원에서라도 확인된 사실만을 기사화해주시길 부탁드립니다.
  3. 자유조선은 김정은정권을 상대로 엄하게 명령할 것입니다. 정치범수용소 해체, 탈북민복송반대, 개혁개방... 이 자유의 명령을 거부할 수록 김정은정권은 수치를 경험하게 될 것입니다.
  4. 우리는 지금 큰 일들을 준비하고 있습니다. 그때까지 우리는 폭풍전야의 침묵을 지킬 것 입니다. 우리가 만들어내는 새로운 기적의 사실들을 지지하고 인내해서 기다려주십시오.

March 31, 2019, 10:25 p.m. UTC

우리 조직의 현재 입장

우리 조직의 현재 입장은 다음과 같다:
  1. 우리는 자유조선의 도움으로 북한을 탈출하여 세계 각국에 있는 동포와 결집한 탈북민의 조직이다.
  2. 우리는 행동으로 북한 내 혁명 동지들과 함께 김정은정권을 뿌리채 흔들것이다.
  3. 북한정권을 겨냥하는 여러 작업을 준비 중이었지만 언론의 온갖 추측성 기사들의 공격으로 행동소조들의 활동은 일시 중단 상태이다.
  4. 우리는 엄격한 보안상 한국 거주중인 그 어떤 탈북민과도 연계를 맺거나 심지어 전화통화를 한 적이 없다.
  5. 언론은 우리 조직의 실체나 구성원에 대한 관심을 자제해달라. 우리의 더 큰 일들이 앞에 있다.
  6. 우리는 김씨일가 세습을 끊어버릴 신념으로 결집된 국내외 조직이다.

March 28, 2019, 2:12 a.m. UTC

Facts About Madrid - Información Sobre Madrid

Embassies around the world run by the current Pyongyang regime are not like the traditional diplomatic, commercial, and cultural outposts of legitimate governments that serve their nation's interests and respect international norms.

The regime’s embassies and offices are hubs of illicit narcotics and arms trafficking, mediums for the furtherance of propaganda of a totalitarian regime that systematically commit crimes against humanity against its own (and others) without current parallel. They are launchpads for global cyber attacks and thefts, assassinations, kidnappings, and hostage taking‐including of the families of their own diplomats. This charade of pretending that the regime is a normal government must stop‐the regime is simply a giant criminal enterprise.

That said, this was not an attack. We responded to an urgent situation in the Madrid embassy. We were invited into the embassy, and contrary to reports, no one was gagged or beaten. Out of respect for the host nation of Spain, no weapons were used. All occupants in the embassy were treated with dignity and necessary caution. There were no other governments involved with or aware of our activity until after the event. The Hanoi Summit had no relation to this operation. We recognize and apologize for any inconveniences caused to the authorities of Spain, who have been caught in the middle of a difficult situation.

We have evidence verifying our account. It is to protect those who seek our help, and those who take great risk to protect others, that we cannot share more about the event at this time. We continue to be engaged in extraordinarily sensitive work around the world.

We understand the fragility and uncertainty of the diplomatic process some are engaged in. Despite our understanding of the incorrigible nature of this regime, our intention is not to interfere with the political intentions of certain countries who seek resolution to certain disagreements. Our fight is only against the regime’s practices and on behalf of millions of our enslaved people.

No information about Madrid was shared with any parties with the expectation of any benefit or money in exchange. The organization shared certain information of enormous potential value with the FBI in the United States, under mutually agreed terms of confidentiality. This information was shared voluntarily and on their request, not our own. Those terms appear to have been broken.

Some time later, some journalists began writing speculative stories about the incident in Madrid, and the identities or affiliations of those involved, citing US government sources. That information was leaked to the media was a profound betrayal of trust. We ourselves never spoke to the media or shared any information with them.

We did not begin this work without full knowledge of the risks we bear. Freedom has already been paid with the blood of families and colleagues. Some of us will be imprisoned, tortured or killed in the course of this fight. But to share information that may help identify any of us who take risks to protect others is to aid and abet the regime in Pyongyang. The leaks and breaches of trust were abhorrent acts pursued in the name of political expediency, in service to a regime who has tortured and killed millions.

It may take some more months of political theater to realize Pyongyang is once again acting with treachery, and not before the regime emerges with even more capacity for great harm to others. Parties seeking to “out” those in Madrid have painted a target on the backs of those seeking only to protect others; they have chosen to side with Pyongyang’s criminal, totalitarian rulers over their victims.

March 26, 2019, 7:41 p.m. UTC

중요한 G-Visa 공지 - Important G-Visa Update

G-Visa 호스팅 서버 트래픽이 예측한 용량을 넘게 되어 관리자가 인프라를 확장하고 있습니다. 12시간 늦추어진 9:00AM KST 에 다시 발급신청을 개방하겠습니다. 불편을 드려 죄송합니다.

G-Visa는 투기적 토큰이 아닙니다. 특별히 더 낮은번호를 소유하는 것에 관심을 갖고있지 않으신 분들은 내일부터 시도 해 주시면 감사하겠습니다. 첫 200,000개의 방문비자 중 하나를 소유한다는 것은 이미 역사적인 일입니다. 이낮은 번호들은 우리의 혁명에 첫 신뢰와 지지의 대한 영구적인 증거입니다.

여러분의 강력한 지원에 대하여 대단히 감사합니다. 자유조선 영토에서, 여권에 들어있는 당신의 G-Visa가 우리의 해방을 앞당겼다는 것을 실감하게 될 그 찬란한 날을 위하여.


We are experiencing unforeseen heavy traffic on servers hosting the G-Visa registration and will delay by 12 hours to 9:00AM KST, 8:00PM EST in order to give the staff time to deploy additional infrastructure. We apologize for the inconvenience.

G-Visas are not a speculative token. If you are not concerned with having a lower numbered G-Visa please delay acquiring one until tomorrow. Being among the very first 200,000 visitors to our liberated nation is already historic. These first few will have permanent proof of their initial faith and support of our revolution.

We are grateful for your overwhelming support. It will be a bright day when you can stand on soil of Free Joseon knowing you through the G-Visa in your passport you helped make us free.

March 24, 2019, 11:07 a.m. UTC

승인된 계정 - Authorized Platforms

우리는 현재로서 이 홈페이지와 YouTube계정 만을 사용합니다. 그 외의 sns계정과 발언은 승인되지 않은 것들이며 우리를 대변하지 않습니다.


Our organization currently only utilizes this website, and our YouTube page. Any other accounts on any other platforms are unauthorized and do not represent us.

March 21, 2019, 11:20 a.m. UTC