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Sept. 4, 2019, 11:38 a.m. UTC

Statement by Provisional Government of Free Joseon on Today’s events at the DMZ

The Provisional Government of Free Joseon certainly seeks ultimate peace and believes in dialogue over conflict when it is held between partners in good faith. Millions starved to death, hundreds of thousands of citizens in concentration camps, and hundreds of foreigners kidnapped and assassinated will attest that, unfortunately, the regime in Pyongyang has never acted in good faith and only seeks to stall while it continues to proliferate weapons of mass destruction and commit mass atrocities. The regime has never stopped developing weapons of mass destruction even while engaging with the United States since 2018. Regretfully, these empty gestures by the Kim regime serve only to deceive the world and empower an immoral criminal regime. Change must come, for both our oppressed people and for a genuine peace.

June 30, 2019, 5:21 p.m. UTC

Returning Home

One of our colleagues, who escaped North Korea as an orphan, recently wrote an OpEd for Fox News in the US:

Below is the video that shows the moment when he stepped into the North Korean embassy in Madrid and became overwhelmed with emotion when he realized that his dream of returning to his homeland had come true, if only in small part.

Join us in making his dream and that of so many others a reality: to be able to return to a North Korean homeland free of oppression and violence and full of possibility and dignity for all.

June 25, 2019, 10:16 p.m. UTC

Freedom For Free Joseon

We thank our friends in the US who have built this website to help free Christopher Ahn and end the pursuit of Adrian Hong. We especially ask those in the US to support Christopher Ahn during his bail hearing on June 18, 2019 at 3pm in Los Angeles, California:


June 9, 2019, 2:55 p.m. UTC

Our Appreciation

We thank the Solidarity Committee to Support Free Joseon for raising money to support our humanitarian efforts.


June 5, 2019, 1:47 p.m. UTC